5 Things to do before Thanksgiving Day

Nov 18, 2021 | 5 Min Read

thanksgiving greetings

Today makes it exactly 7 days from Thanksgiving Day, and there are a few things we think you should be doing this week to make sure you and your family have a great Thanksgiving Day.

1. Make a plan 

The first thing you need to do is write a comprehensive list of all the things you need to buy and do for Thanksgiving. 

Today is a perfect day to get ahead on planning your Thanksgiving festivities. 

It’s time to plan your dinner menu. Decide what dishes you plan to cook, what thanksgiving decor you are putting up and if you are hosting, how many people you expect to host. 

This is the time to sit down and review your fridge and pantry for the food items you need for your dinner menu and what needs to go on your shopping list.

Organize your grocery list according to the department in the store so that your trip to the grocery store can be efficient and easy. You can never tell the crowd awaiting you in the grocery store. 

2. Clean out your fridge

If you have a fridge, freezer or pantry like mine, they are most likely not ready to accommodate a full thanksgiving dinner. Your refrigerator will soon be home to a whole turkey and any other thing you decide to prep ahead of time like your gravy, homemade stock, pie crust etc. Also, you will need to free up space for drinks, desserts, a variety of assorted dishes and even leftovers. 

This week, make sure to get rid of expired or mouldy foods. Clean out your storage containers, keep only necessary ingredients insight and organize what is left neatly. 

Ensure you also wash out the gunky shelves and drawers with an all-purpose cleaner and hot water.  

Take out the expired salad dressings that have been lying in your fridge door for the past three years. Trust me, you probably won’t eat it in the next two years. Lol. 

Once you have cleaned your fridge and freezer, dedicate a portion of the freed-up estate to Thanksgiving. Don’t forget to raid your pantry also and create space there.

You can donate to a food pantry in your community if you have a lot of canned foods or non-perishable foods that you have stored for a long time and you have lost interest in consuming. 

There are also free refrigerators in some neighbourhoods where you can donate good food that you do not want to eat. So if there is one in your neighbourhood, visit it with food from your home or better still get your family members to consume them in the days before thanksgiving.

3. Go grocery shopping and meal prep

Make your final shopping list this week and review it thoroughly to make sure you’re not missing out on anything. Trust me you don’t want to be in a long queue at the store because you came back to get a can of tomato.

Ensure you get the bulk of your shopping done this week to avoid the last-minute rush of the days preceding Thanksgiving. 

Now is the time to buy the ingredients, beverages, dry foods, canned foods and the vessels/utensils you will need during meal prep.

However, you may want to leave your greens for salad, perishables, baked goods and fresh produce until a day or two before Thanksgiving.

Most importantly, you can prepare a lot of things now. You can make and freeze unbaked pies; chop and freeze mixed veggies; prepare and refrigerate gravy, cranberry sauce and your homemade stock. It is also a good idea to thaw your turkey three days before the D- day.

You don’t want to startle your guests with a funny awkward taste in the dishes you prepare on Thanksgiving Day, so if you will be making any new dish, this is a good time to test out the new recipes to make sure it deserves a place at the table.

So, whether you plan to host two guests or fifty, bear in mind that hosting Thanksgiving dinner is no easy feat. 

4. Reach out to your guests

This is a good moment to reach out to your family and friends and make sure you all are on the same page. Remind them of the side dishes they are going to be bringing with them and let those who will be helping with the turkey prep day be aware you will be needing their assistance.

If you will need someone to help with last-minute dishes, drinks or any kind of task, this is the time to let them know so they can fix you into their plans. No one is expecting you as the host to prepare the entire Thanksgiving meal, so don’t be ashamed to assign dishes to your guests.

5. Create a Firacard

You’re almost there! This year’s Thanksgiving is sure going to be spectacular. Your fridge is clean, your grocery shopping has been done, you have contacted your guests and of course, every plan is in place. There’s one thing left, however – a Firacard.

You can send a Thanksgiving Firacard to your parents, your spouse, your best friend, your boss, co-workers or anyone special to you. Make it more fun by inviting your family and friends as contributors. Get them to add fun gifs, videos, pictures and background such that the recipient will feel very special. 

You do not want to wait till Thanksgiving before creating a Firacard for your special ones because doing it a few days earlier gives all your contributors enough time to get their messages, photos, videos and gifs in as well.

When your Firacard is ready, schedule it to be sent on Thanksgiving morning. You’re about to make a lot of people happy on Thanksgiving Day.

Happy Thanksgiving in Advance!  

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