Apr 27, 2022 | 4 Min Read

Whether it is retirement or pursuing a new job opportunity, it is important to celebrate an outgoing boss who deserves to be appreciated; especially when they have been nothing but good to you.

Celebrating an outgoing boss would likely be a bittersweet moment for you because someone you look up to and who has trained you to be more competent in your career is leaving.

If you are not sure how to appreciate them, here are five ways to celebrate an outgoing boss.

Throw a Farewell Party

For a boss who has been there for you whenever you needed career assistance or advice, earned your respect, and mentored you over the years, they deserve a farewell party. 

As you plan that special surprise farewell party for your outgoing boss, decide on a theme that best represents their personality. 

You do not have to invite only the staff to the party; you can also include their family and friends. 

Take the stress off yourself by including your whole team in the planning process; they can pitch in their ideas and resources, while you delegate responsibilities to each person. 

Have someone volunteer to bring in drinks, someone else for decoration, while another person can be in charge of sending invites.

During the party, reminisce on fond memories of your boss by creating slideshows of past office events, stories, and old work pictures; this can be done by the Farewell Firacard you have created for them.

Organize a Team Gift Fund

Gifts are a great way to show your appreciation for all the years your boss was good to you. You can organize a gift fund where other members of staff pool money to buy a gift together. 

When buying a gift, you should consider your boss’s personality, taste, and hobbies and try to make it personal to them. It may be simple gifts like a gift card to their favorite spa or coffee shop. 

If you are throwing a farewell party, the gift you have picked for your boss would be the cherry on the top. Present it to your boss at the party. No farewell party is complete without a gift anyways!

Plan an Outing

Team outings as part of celebrating your outgoing boss would bring the team together and allow your boss to have fun with you one very last time. 

You can ask the boss beforehand what activity they would love to do or simply brainstorm as a team. 

Go for activities that involve everybody. It could be a movie night, bowling, escape room games, office trivia, or even rope courses. Whatever you do, the goal is to ensure your boss has a swell time bonding with the team for the last time.

Customize a Gift

A customized gift is something memorable that your boss would treasure and hold on to for a long time. 

It could be funny gifts like farewell socks with the faces of your team members or custom-scented candles. 

You can go for a stylish frame engraving that says ‘world best boss’, a new beginning customized box, an editable custom leader boss gift, or a custom mug. 

When your boss wears these socks, drinks from their mug, or hangs this wall frame in the house, they will remember you as one of the best employees they ever met!

Create a Farewell Firacard

Are you already thinking of the hurdles you might encounter if you decide to pass a team card around the office? 

You know how stressful and time-consuming this can be, especially because your office has more than fifty staff and about twenty of them are still working from home. 

Why worry about that when you can simply create a Farewell Firacard and send the link to everybody in your team. Yes, it’s that simple!

A farewell Firacard helps you upload a thank you video that you have recorded with your team alongside pictures you have taken with your boss in the past years. 

Everybody gets to add their heartfelt farewell messages, fun Gifs, pictures, and videos to the Firacard that you have created. 

You can write a favorite story or memory with your boss and create them in slideshows, and choose a beautiful background that your boss would love.

With Firacard, you can now celebrate an outgoing boss without hassle.

Your boss is not going to be expecting this! Once your Farewell Firacard is ready, schedule it, and watch your boss amazed at the magic you have created. You have been awesome again. Yes, you!

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