5 Ways to Remember a Loved One

Apr 20, 2022 | 4 Min Read

The passing of a loved one is usually accompanied by grief that is beyond explanation and this grief which barely ever disappears can make you powerless.

Choosing to honour the life your loved one has lived and celebrate the remembrance can ease the agony of their death. 

As the years go by and you begin to heal, you may feel a need to celebrate the anniversary of their death or their post-humous birthday. 

You can spend this day being quiet and moody or decide to do something in memory of them. Here are five ways to acknowledge and celebrate the remembrance of a loved one.

Visit Their Final Resting Place

Visiting the resting place of a loved one who has passed on can be therapeutic to you. Take the day off and take a trip there alone or go with other people who love them. 

You may include a picnic with their favorite food and drink. If you visit their final resting place without company, feel free to mourn, pray, take a walk, and journal.

Personalize a Memorial Jewelry

Another way to celebrate the remembrance of a loved one is to create jewelry with their name or signature engraved in it. You can create a memorial necklace with their handwriting, ashes, or hair to remind you of them. 

There are jewelry companies like eternava that can create diamonds from the ashes or hair of your loved ones. You can send in the remains of your loved ones to them so that they can produce a custom memorial diamond for you.

Host a Remembrance Ceremony

If you would love to keep the memory of your loved ones alive, inviting family members and friends to a mini special anniversary ceremony is an excellent idea.

It might be a casual catch-up with them or a more elaborate ceremony. Bear in mind that the gathering does not have to be formal. Let your guest know that they can feel free to relive their beautiful experiences with the deceased. 

At the remembrance ceremony, you can have people take turns to share memories and stories, read scriptures, sing hymnals, and pray. Have a moment of silence, drink a toast to their memory, and share a meal.

Revisit a Special Place

If there are special places that you have visited and spent a lot of time together, you might find it comforting to revisit them. It might be a beach, the cinema, a restaurant, a hiking track, or a holiday spot. 

Reminisce on the good times you spent at that location together, relive the precious moments, soak in the atmosphere and fill your thoughts with fond memories.

Create a Firacard Memorial

A Firacard is a perfect way to remember and celebrate a loved one who has passed on. You can keep it private or invite their friends, family members, and work associates to contribute to the Firacard memorial that you have created. 

You and your contributors can add loving sentiments, memories, photos, and videos you have shared with them. These memories can grow more precious as the years go by, and you can always revisit your Firacard memorial each time you miss them.

On future anniversaries, you can dig out your Firacard memorial and enjoy anew the memories you have shared.

If you wish to hand it down to their children or grandchildren as a wonderful legacy, that would be a beautiful thing for them.

Celebrating the remembrance of a loved one is an expression of admiration, gratitude, and respect, and whichever way you decide to honour them, their memories will always remain alive.

Here’s a firacard memorial that was created for Ola who has passed away; his family is happy to share it with the world.

Love and Sunshine,

The Firacard team

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