February 14 – 10 Best Things to do Alone on Valentine’s Day

Jan 27, 2022 | 6 Min Read

February 14 alone

February 14 is just a few weeks away. Gift stores already have their shelves lined up with red hearts boxes full of chocolate and stuffed bears to give to loved ones. Spending February 14 alone may leave you feeling left out.

The buzz and hype from social media and advertisements may make you feel like you are missing out on a big deal simply because you are not in a relationship or your partner is out of town. 

This feeling may leave you sad, lonely, and bitter, but there are many ways to turn that around and enjoy the day. Here is a list of ten things to do if you will be spending Valentine’s Day alone.

1.        Keep Up Your Daily Routine

The best thing to do for yourself on Valentine’s Day is to do whatever you would usually do on that day of the week.

Go about your daily routine; wake up, go jogging, prepare meals, walk your dog, go grocery shopping, and get some work done if it is a workday. This will help to make it seem like any other day.

2.        Give Yourself A Self-Care Treat

If you sense that February 14 triggers memories of a past breakup or your last relationship, then you should take out time to make yourself forget all that. Appreciate yourself by doing things you love.

Take advantage of all the “me-time” you have and go shopping; give yourself a spa date, order some food, go see a movie, or binge Netflix. Make sure you are having a lot of fun. Remember that you can do traditional date activities without a partner.

3.        Plan A Date With Your Single Friends

Who says you have to be in a relationship to have a beautiful Valentine’s Day? If you have friends who are also likely to be alone, plan a date night with them.

Staying in the company of your friends will help alleviate any feeling of loneliness or being left out. You get to bond with them and make them feel loved. You can cook a meal, play games, have a mini, indoor party, or watch a movie together.

4.        Find Ways to Brighten Someone’s Day

Valentine’s Day is often associated with romantic love but, there are other ways to express love on February 14; think about performing a random act of kindness.

If you know anyone who has lost a loved one, it will mean a lot to them if you show some love by sending them a gift basket or flowers. Sending letters, gifts, or FIRACARDS to someone in need is a thoughtful act of love to brighten someone’s day.

5.        Volunteer on February 14

When you sacrifice for others, it ends up filling you up with just as much love; so whether you are volunteering to clean up a park or serve food at a shelter, showing love in your community is a perfect way to spend Valentine’s Day.

In addition to community service projects, you could also offer to cook for someone, watch a couple’s pet or babysit for another couple.

6.        Be kind to yourself

Valentine’s Day is the best time to get yourself that nice necklace you have always wanted. You do not need to wait around till you have someone who can get you the nice things you love.

Have you always wanted a nice perfume, a fancy watch, or a book? Go for it! Engage in hobbies that you enjoy, eat your favourite foods, and take the day off work if you can. Use the opportunity to fill out your gratitude journal.

7.        Make February 14 a day to Unplug

This may sound funny, but trust me, it works! No matter how comfortable you are being alone on February 14, scrolling through a bunch of lovey-dovey couples showing off their Valentine’s Day gifts and booed-up all over social media may make you feel left out.

If the media pressure is likely to get to you, take the day off to unplug. Another option is to ignore Valentine’s Day entirely and remind yourself that February 14th is just one day of the year; go about your day like you usually would.

Catch up on your to-do list, run errands, work on the computer or read a book. No rule says you need to acknowledge Valentine’s Day.

8.        Cook Yourself A Meal

If going to the restaurant and meeting couples is likely to get you depressed, stay home and cook yourself a meal instead. You could make a dish that reminds you of home or a meal you have always wanted to try.

9.        Anonymously Send a Gift to Someone

You can play cupid on Valentine’s Day. A lot of people have never received a gift from a secret admirer; you can consider doing that to someone likely to be alone also.

This does not necessarily mean you have a romantic interest in them. It just means you want to make someone smile. You could add a note saying “Happy Valentine”, or send DIY gifts, books, gift cards, chocolates, flowers, or a FIRACARD.

10.      Send a FIRACARD

Create a list of all the wonderful people in your life and spend the day creating and sending personalized FIRACARD to each of them.

Don’t forget to add gifs, pictures, and videos to make your card colourful and beautiful. You can create your firacard on Firacard.com and send it to them afterwards.


Valentine’s Day can be a great time if you are in a relationship or around people you love; however, if you will be spending it alone, these tips we have shared will help ease the feeling of loneliness. Also, try to remind yourself of how amazing you are, and don’t forget that self-love is the greatest love of all.

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